Great pictures. I think that you guys should do their web site for them. Everything looks wonderful. I am very impressed with all that you covered. Great job! I can't wait. I am going to do everything that I can to make it. Hugs Kathy
Meet our girls that will be at the reunion! They are in order of how long they've been with their Forever Families. Aren't they just the cutest!
Sophia Joy JinTe (6/16/08)
daughter of Susan & Riz
MaryAlice (9/1/2008)
daughter of Sharon
Lily Mei-Chun (10/20/2008)
daugher of Melissa & Patrick
Emma (10/20/2008)
daughter of Kathy & Erik
Hannah Grace Qing (11/24/2008)
daughter of Mike and Rhonda
Qiao (12/18/2008)
daughter of Lori & Andy
Giorgia (1/12/2009)
daughter of Stephe
Kaelie YunJuan (1/12/2009)
daughter of Karen & David
Lexi Jayne (2/24/2009)
daughter of Wanda & Geoff
Mei-Li (3/1/2009)
daughter of Evelyn & Jesus
We have some brothers attending too!!!
Kaelie's Big Brothers
Jeremy 8 and Shelby 10
We desperately hoped that all of our Pandas would be able to make this reunion. They are with us in spirit and will be with all of us at the next one. Introducing...
OMG! You guys are amazing. Every little detail right down to the menu. Wow!!!! Awesome!! The place looks amazing! I cannot wait !
Great pictures. I think that you guys should do their web site for them. Everything looks wonderful. I am very impressed with all that you covered. Great job! I can't wait. I am going to do everything that I can to make it.
OMG KAthy you have to come you are the one who found the place and Riz will just be so disappointed if you and Erik don't come and so will I...:)LOL